Doctor’s Consultations

TypeFee as of 20th May 2024Approximate Medicare RebateOut of pocket costs
Standard weekday consultation (up to 15 minutes)$105$42.85$62.15
Long weekday consultation (16 minutes to 30 minutes)$200$82.90$117.10
Standard consultation on Saturday (up to 15 minutes)$125$42.85$82.15
Long consultation on Saturday (16 minutes to 30 minutes)$210$82.90$127.10
Standard consultation on Sunday and Public Holiday (up to 15 minutes)$170$55.80$114.20
Long consultation on Sunday and Public Holiday (16 minutes to 30 minutes)$280$95.70$184.30
Standard Telehealth/phone consult weekdays (up to 15 minutes)$105$42.85$62.15
Full body skin check (up to 30 minutes)$200$82.90$117.10
Mental Health Plan weekday consultation (New/Initial plan)$250$103.70$146.30
Mental Health Plan Review weekday consultation$180$81.70$98.30
Mental Health Plan Saturday consultation (New/Initial plan)$260$103.70$156.30
Mental Health Plan Review Saturday consultation$190$81.70$108.30
Mental Health Plan Sunday and Public Holiday consultation (New/Initial plan)$280$103.70$176.30
Mental Health Plan Review Sunday and Public Holiday consultation$210$81.70$128.30
  • Billing is based on time and complexity of your consultation.
  • Full payment is required at time of consultation by credit card or EFTPOS (surcharges apply), cash, or cheque.
  • Patients with outstanding accounts will not be able to book future appointments, until the outstanding accounts have been paid in full.
  • After initial payment, your debit or savings card can then be swiped a second time to enable the Medicare refund or we can transmit the claim to Medicare on your behalf.
  • International visitors without Medicare cards are welcome.
  • If an account is not paid by close of business on the day of your consult, $10 will be added and a Medicare rebate will have to be claimed by the patient.  All outstanding accounts need to be paid before future appointments can be made.
  • If a procedure is performed at the clinic, additional fees may apply.
  • Fees apply for Private Vaccinations (not covered by the Government), dressings, 24 hour BP monitor, Holter Monitor and Nurse only consultations

Debt Recovery Policy

If an account is not paid on the day of your consultation a $10 late payment fee will be added.  We will attempt to contact you, numerous times, via telephone, SMS and finally email/post, to settle your account.

If after three unsuccessful attempts we will email/post you a letter re sending your details and outstanding account onto a Debt Collector.  Any Debt Collector associated fees will be passed onto the patient.

We require payment of outstanding accounts, prior to booking any future appointments.

General Information

Inkerman Medical Group is a completely private billing clinic. Our fees cover the excellent Practitioners and staff, equipment and premises here at the clinic, along with the many other expenditures that make it possible for us to give you the superior level of care you have come to associate with our clinic.

Cancellation Policy:

Inkerman Medical Group has a strict 4 hour cancellation policy, meaning we require a minimum of 4 hours’ notice for cancellations or changes to appointments. A late cancellation fee is charged to patients who do not provide us the required notice period (not claimable through Medicare).

We ask you to remember that a late cancellation hurts three – you, another patient, and our clinic. As a courtesy, we will attempt to remind you of your appointment via SMS.

Use and Disclosure

We will treat your personal information as strictly private and confidential. We will only use or disclose it for purposes directly related to your care and treatment, or in ways that you would reasonably expect that we may use it for your ongoing care and treatment. For example, the disclosure of blood test results to your specialist or requests for x-rays.

There are circumstances where we may be permitted or required by law to disclose your personal information to third parties. For example, to Medicare, Police, insurers, solicitors, government regulatory bodies, tribunals, courts of law, hospitals, debt collection agents, the electronic transfer of prescriptions service or to the My Health Record system. We may also from time to time provide statistical data to third parties for research purposes.

We may disclose information about you to outside contractors to carry out activities on our behalf such as an IT service provider, solicitor or debt collection agent. We impose security and confidentiality requirements on how they handle your personal information. Outside contractors are required not to use information about you for any purpose except for those activities we have asked them to perform.