Your GP has a pivotal role to play in your weight management journey.  Here at Inkerman, our doctors work collaboratively with allied health and patients to help them achieve their smart and safe goals.

Your doctor knows your history and is able to discuss evidence-based weight management strategies and focused on a broad range of health outcomes, not simply on weight.  If you are planning to start a weight loss program it is recommended to consult your GP especially if you have pre-existing conditions and/or are on medication.

Where to get help

  • Your GP
  • Community health centre
  • Dietitians Association of Australia. Tel. 1800 812 942
  • Diabetes Australia, Information and Advice Line Tel. 1300 437 386
  • Life! Helping you prevent diabetes, heart disease and stroke. (Victorian based program) Tel. 13 RISK (13 7475)

Our Weight Management Doctors
